How can I Start Something and FINISH?

I’m a habitual quitter.

Over the years, I’ve started so many things it’s almost comical.

This time, I’m not letting myself quit.

I’ve actually never felt this before. I have “decided” to do something, and I’m not letting my emotions decide what’s next. You know that feeling when the alarm clock goes off, you roll over, close your eyes, and all of a sudden, you’re late? That’s emotions deciding what happens. You have to get up, but you don’t want to. So now, you’re in a predicament. You know when you want to read a book, but it sits there for years collecting dust? You want to read it, but don’t want to take the time. That’s emotions deciding what happens.

I’ve been given the gift of writing. This is not something I take lightly. This is something I treasure. When I’m writing, I’m not just thinking in words, I’m also worshiping.  This is the purest piece of worship I have to offer Christ. Why? Because it’s my gift from Him! He’s the Author of our faith, the Creator of all creativity,. and when I create something with Him, it’s so intimate that I sometimes cry at the purpose I find there.

Us artsy people Have. Life. Made. I know we are supposed to be “starving artists” because getting a painting sold or publishing a book is really hard! However, we are the most fulfilled when we are DOING our art! There’s a reason for that. Not only is your art a gift, it’s a purpose, if you are using it, your are fulfilling that purpose. So, how do we bridge the gap between pursuing our passion and starving? I think I have an idea…

I usually start something and quit before I can turn around good (Sorry, that’s a Southern expression)

This is what it looks like:

  1. Have a good idea and decide to do it.
  2. Talk myself out of it.

UGH! WHY!!?!?  It’s not that I don’t like the idea of what I do, or that I lose passion for it. In fact, I have passion so big about writing, it’s overwhelming sometimes. Then WHY!!! WHY DO I QUIT?!

Because I did a number two. 🙂 potty humor. You’re welcome.

I talked myself out of it.

Our minds are more powerful than we may ever know. I completely talked myself out of doing something I KNOW I’m born to do…AGAIN!

But, this time, like I did when I began my Intuitive Eating journey two years ago, I decided to make a change with the root problem.

Nothing has changed, I’m still called to this purpose. The only thing that changed, and it changed in an instant, was my mindset.

Here’s how it’s gone so far over the last week (I’ll be using writing as an example through the steps):

  1. Decide to do something. (For my writing, I’m doing it! I’m finally making time. I’ve put the time slot somewhere on my calendar, and I will FULFILL my purpose!)
  2. Take small action steps. (Check to see where (and if) I could miss hours from my paid job, tweak my schedule, write down ideas, line up some posts)
  3. Let passion take a higher seat than logic. (Don’t get me wrong, quitting my job to pursue writing would be illogical. Don’t ignore logic, but don’t let it consume your passion. Be smart about passion, don’t set yourself up for failure by illogically pursuing it.) This is NOT letting emotions take over like before. This is letting PASSION take over! I don’t need an alarm clock 50% of the time if I’m excited to get up and fulfill my purpose.
  4. Speak truth to the lies. Example 1: I’ve never been published, so I’ll never BE published.  LIE. THE TRUTH? I’ve never been published because I quit all the time.  Example 2: No one will read what I have to say. LIE. THE TRUTH? I will. And that’s enough. Anyone else beyond that? Bonus. Example 3: I’ll quit again. LIE. THE TRUTH? If I keep taking small steps, I’ll get there eventually. There’s plenty more, but you get the point.

Want to do something? Comment and we can figure out action steps and lie detector truths together!


4 thoughts on “How can I Start Something and FINISH?

  1. claireyangwrites August 22, 2017 — 9:25 am

    I find this post completely relatable. My newest story is something that I ‘m not sure where it is going. I quit writing it, but when I’m writing something new, I always find myself thinking about it. The thing is I’m always changing what happens in it even if there’s isn’t much of a plot. I don’t why, but I just decided to post it, because it kept bothering me and I was 4k words and didn’t want to waste my hard work by deleting it.


    1. Oh I get this for sure! lol. Hate it when I keep going back to a story, but when I get there, I draw a blank. If I may make a suggestion? Maybe try to breathe for a few minutes and try to plot big story points? Not a full on outline, because I know that’s time consuming and hard, but try brainstorming where you want it to go first, then make simple plan to get there. That might help keep you on track? If you want to change it, brainstorming always helps iron out roadblocks! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. claireyangwrites August 22, 2017 — 10:55 am

        I actually have multiple chapter outlines for it. The hard part is to actually stop changing my mind. (^_^”) Thank you! 😀


      2. lol, totally understand. No worries! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

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